A simple Water Alarm could save you ££££'s....
Did you know that each year more properties are damaged by Water than Fire?
Every year thousands of people suffer the anguish and upset of a burst or leaking pipe which often goes unnoticed until it's too late and serious damage has been done.
Placing a simple cost effective Water Alarm could save you hundreds in insurance claim excesses and prevent water damage to precious personal items and belongings and save upset and frustration at the damage caused.

Water Detector/Alarm:
Every year water home owners suffer leaks from burst pipes, leaking washing machines, hoses, waste pipes, dishwashers etc, which cause serious damage to homes and personal belongings.
Much of this could be easily prevented with the simple addition of an inexpensive Water Detector Alarm.
This portable alarm can be can be placed anywhere in the home where a water leak could happen, under sinks, baths, toilets, washing machines, dishwashers etc,
The loud alarm will sound when its sensors come into contact with water, providing an early warning that a leak has begun so preventative measures can be taken to protect your home and have it fixed quickly.
Portable & suitable for any room
Long life battery operated, fit and forget about it
No wiring required.
Battery included.
£35.00 Supplied and fitted